Now I have to say, I really like this lady Ree's humor. She always makes me laugh when I read her blog. Her other name is The Pioneer Woman. She was in town for this event so off I trotted to Chelsea Market to see the real thing. I am an honest to goodness fan of hers.
The event was celebrating the launch of this very inspired magazine, Where Women Cook. I didn't bring my camera but she was as nice in person as she is on her blog. She signed the book and I mingled with other very cool gal cooks, and saw some old friends as well. Of course I'm giving Pioneer Woman a copy of Cooking Fun for her kids. I hope the package gets to Oklahoma in time for Christmas. This beautiful site, Where Women Cook is also worth visiting.
Speaking of friends, Simple Kids is hosting a giveaway of my three books as a holiday gift for you. I love supporting the efforts of Kara at Simple Kids and all the componets of Tsh's Simple Living Network. They are both very inspiring women who have an entrepreneurial spirit and a generous down to earth quality too.
So go on over and try to win my books. It supports many efforts and is one of the last giveaways from me for this holiday season.
Last but not least, I will be at Purl Soho tomorrow for my holiday sewing class for kids. We have a full class with a range of 7 to14 years old. That will be fun! I'll report back on what the kids made of their Soft Toy Bunny project from Homemade Fun.
Try my Christmas Popcorn Balls this weekend. The kids will love it!